Cherry Madeira Cake Recipe – Eggless Madeira Cake is a lovely cake recipe adapted from Hamlyn cookbook. The name Madeira Cake itself tempted me to make this at home. I had made this Cake during Christmas just last month. Although I have made slight variation to this Madeira Cake. As the original recipe consists eggs which I have replaced with flaxseed. Cherry Madeira Cake Recipe – Eggless Madeira Cake turned out to be a delicious moist cake. There are various kinds of Madeira Cake like Plain Madeira Cake, Madeira Cake with Cherries, Coffee and Walnut Madeira Cake Madeira cake with Almonds. What we will see today is Madeira Cake with cherries + almonds and that too without eggs. One can use wine instead of apple juice for this lovely Madeira Cake. Its a unique cake which I am sure most of you must have not heard of. The more unique the more tempted I get towards it.
Actually all the variations of Madeira Cakes tastes great also at the same time it turns out well. You could use your own imagination while making cakes. The beauty of cakes is you can mix and match flavors as per your preference. May be thats why I just love baking and making cakes.
You can easily unwind yourself on a lazy afternoon and make this Madeira Cake. You can have it hot or cold with a hot cup of tea or coffee. Does it sounds interesting so lets catch on the ingredients for this Cherry Madeira Cake Recipe – Eggless Madeira Cake. Preparation Time: 1 hour 15 mins (Baking 5o mins rest preparation time) Ingredients:
- 12 to 14 Red Cherries (Cherry plumped in sugar syrup used for decoration on cakes)
- 75 ml Apple Juice
- 15 to 16 Raisins
- 3 tbsp Tutti Fruity
- 1 cup Butter/ Margarine/ Olive oil
- 2 cups Refined Flour
- 1 cup Icing Sugar or Brown sugar
- 2 t/s Baking Powder
- 1 t/s salt
- 2 tbsp Milk Or Cream
- 2 tbsp Condensed Milk
- 3 tbsp Flaxseed (Mix flaxseeds with 9 tbsp water in grinder to form a smooth paste)
- 12 to 14 Almonds chopped
- 1 tbsp Vanilla Extract or Vanilla Essence
Method: Firstly take a baking pan any shape you desire. Grease with spray or butter or margarine along all the sides of the pan. Now take a parchment paper or butter paper and place it at the bottom of the greased pan. Ensure you cut the butter paper of the bottom shape and than place it on the bottom. Take a small pan. Add cherries, raisins, tutti fruity and Apple juice. Keep it on low flame for about 5 mins until cherries have plumped up. Keep it aside.
Take refined flour sieve it along with Icing Sugar. Also add baking powder and salt. Sieve for 3 to 4 times. Make a small well in the dry ingredients
Now add apple juice with cherries and raisins in the dry ingredients little by little. Mix with a spoon or spatula.
Also add milk,Butter or Olive Oil and Milkmaid and add cream. Though cream is optional.
Combine well until cake consistency and add chopped almonds into the mixture along with vanilla essence. Pour the batter into the greased dish. Bake at 170°C for 4o to 50 mins. Once the cake starts giving fragrance keep checking. As all oven have different temperature and capacity. So it is difficult to give exact time.
Once the skewer or toothpick comes out almost clean. It means your cake is done. Serve hot or chilled. You could also decorate while your cake is hot. Unmould the cake pierce all sides with fork. Take dark chocolate and butter. Microwave on high power in oven. Mix well now spread on the cake. I prefer thin frosting. If you prefer thick frosting add cocoa powder to the above mixture with 2 tbsp Icing Sugar.
You could also try this Cherry Madeira Cake Recipe – Eggless Madeira Cake with Coffee and Walnut. Just omit the cherries and almonds. Dissolve 1 tbsp Espresso Coffee Powder into 2 tbsp boiling water. Add apple juice to the coffee mixture. The rest all procedure is same as above mentioned for Cherry Madeira Cake Recipe – Eggless Madeira Cake. Do share your views with me! Happy Cooking Tip:
- Never overmix or overbake the cake
- Always insert the toothpick in the center bottom of the cake to know the exact status of the cake.
Saima says
Dear Maria,
Very reluctant at first… due to several failed attempts in past, somehow I gave a try to your above recipe. Perhaps it was convincing enough 🙂
Since it was a spontaneous trial… a few ingredients were omitted (i.e. cherry, walnut, condensed milk,almond etc) making it quite simple “tuti fruity cake”. As the batter looked a bit dry I added some more apple juice and….
The result was great!!!
Had I an option, would have uploaded images too.
Thanks for sharing your expertise.
maria says
Saima thankyou for trying the madeira cake:) I would ponder about the option of uploading images too. Nice to know your feedback and looking forward for more communication with you in the future. Take care and have a great day.
Diana Coelho says
Hi Maria, Nice 2 speake 2 a Goan…i hav gone through ur Recipes….n they r with Images which helps a lot…
My quiery is that i hav baked Cake in Micro wave oven… Pls not in Micro mode oly…bt i do nt get the Thin Coating Outer layer which i see on ordinary plum or plain cakes…pls not i m nt taking abt icing..or cream layer…that burnt outer thin layer..Dark or light brown layer…. if 1kg cake how much degree i should bake n which mode Micro or Grill or Convention n pls tell me for hw long… 10 mins or how much…
My quiery is that hw should i bake them in Micro wave …Do guide me with the rt procudure….
maria says
Hey Diana,
Thanks for stopping by hope you doing great. Looks like you are a new baker struggling at the moment just like me. I was also the same about 7 months back :)… Don’t worry I am sure you would be a confident and daring baker. Firstly there are 2 methods of baking cake. First is microwave mode second is convection mode. You check your oven manual if both modes are available Or not. For microwave cakes the cake consistency is slightly thinner than the convection mode. Also the duration to make microwave cake is generally within 2 mins on high power. Generally microwave cakes are soft cake. Now the cake texture you talking about thin outing layer brown in color are the ones baked in convection mode. It is very difficult to answer this question as to how long should you bake cake in convection mode?……………. It’s purely on your oven capacity, temperature for baking cakes. Try making a basic cake first on your oven Or you could make cakes from cook book, net Or my site has some step by step instructions on baking cake for microwave plus convection mode this is the link When you bake a cake on convection mode. Generally your cake starts baking it will give you sweet fragrance. You could also check by the texture of cake. The edges will leave the pan and top of cake will be brown. Insert a skewer in the center of cake right till the bottom. If it comes out almost clean your cake is ready.
Hope this helps you.
P.S. Please keep checking google for cake recipes and tips for good baking 🙂
dassana says
thats a lovely cake……. i wish i could take a bite straight from the laptop……
when u come to goa…… u have to get some baked goodies for us…..
maria says
Hi ,
Thanks for your lovely comments. Yeah whenever I come to Goa you give me the list of cakes. Whatever you want I will get for you.
Sheetal Naik says
My birthday is in April so i want you be the Mrs Chef for my birthday Bash, for trial you can send some stuff…..expect for a big order therafter
maria says
Hey Sheetal,
Yeah anytime you say. Hope you are doing great. Buzz me anytime. Especially for you I will post some diet recipes 🙂
Desmond says
Very yummy and intresting stuff it looks on the webiste so when are you treating us with that stuff to eat.
maria says
Hi Desmond,
Whenever you say Desmond. Thanks for your views and keep reading for more recipes to come.