Patoleo recipe or Patoli recipe – is made specially during independence day, ganesh chaturthi festival and nagpanchami. They are also they are offered as prashad or bhog to God in India. What are Patoleos?? they are sweet turmeric cakes which are steamed, wrapped in turmeric leaves, coated with rice and stuffed with jaggery, coconut and cardamom powder. They are also known as patholi, patios etc.
My mom has always made these during independence day and just love them. The flavor and taste imparted by the turmeric leaves is just amazing. Turmeric leaves grown in abundance in India during monsoon. Although it’s slightly difficult to get them in market I grow them in my small garden that’s always handy.
In Goa, Manglore, Mumbai and the Konkan belt this dessert is made across all household’s. As a child I never knew the significance behind making of this dessert on independence eve. But now I know guess I am growing up 😉 as 15th Aug is also know as the assumption of Mother Mary into heaven. To celebrate this day this sweet is made. So irrespective of caste or creed anyone could enjoy this dessert.
Turmeric leaves are known for their ayurvedic properties. They are great for your body and their fragrance while steaming would just be so aromatic and lovely. If you don’t get turmeric leaves then no replacement would be great. So do try to plant them in your garden or balconies.
This recipe comes from my mother. In-fact she only made while I clicked the pics. She prefers using soaked rice over-night. However there are many people who prefer rice paste which is more quicker. But I love my mom’s recipe hence made use of her recipe. Adding charoli or nuts are optional.
Before I forget wish everyone a happy independence day!
How to make patoleo recipe or patoli recipe :
1.Soak the rice overnight. Remove the excess water and grind into smooth, thick paste.
2. Rinse the turmeric leaves. Wipe the moisture with a cloth or paper napkin. Place them aside.
3. You could slice them into halves if they are big in size.
4. For the stuffing take a heavy bottomed pan add ghee to it.
5. Place on low heat add ghee or oil and saute charoli if using for 40-60 secs.
6. Now add fresh grated coconut, jaggery powder. Keep stirring the mixture for 3-4 mins.
7. Jaggery would melt, the mixture would leave nice aroma. Switch off the gas once all mixed well. Ensure you don’t over-cook the mixture else the jaggery might harden or get stiff which is not good for your patoleos. Lastly add cardamom powder. Mix nicely. Switch off the gas don’t overcook the mixture. Allow the mixture to cool down.
8. Take some batter in your hand and apply them on the turmeric leaves all over. Repeat the same with the rest of leaves.
9. Place a scoop of coconut-jaggery stuffing over one side of the leaf. Now close or wrap them with the other side of the leaf. Ensure its sealed properly.
10. Place them on a steamer alternatively you could place them in a vessel containing water, place a stand and keep a metal tray or dish over the stand. Keep few of stuffed turmeric leaves. Don’t stack them altogether just place few apart from each other and steam few at a time. You could also pressure cook them or steam in idli vessel.
11. Repeat the same with the rest of patolis. After 7-8 mins they would be ready the color of the leaves would change.
Allow to cool unwrap the leave and enjoy your patoleos warm or cold.
Patoleo Recipe card below:
- [b]for patoleo[/b]
- 6-7 turmeric leaves
- 2 cups soaked rice
- [b]for stuffing:[/b]
- 1 tbsp ghee or oil
- 1.5 cup grated coconut
- 1 cup grated goan pyramid jaggery or any dark jiggery
- 1 tsp cardamom powder
- 1 tbsp charoli (optional)
- Soak the rice overnight.
- Remove the excess water and grind into smooth, thick paste.
- Rinse the turmeric leaves.
- Wipe the moisture with a cloth or paper napkin. Place them aside.
- You could slice them into halves if they are big in size.
- For the stuffing take a heavy bottomed pan add ghee to it.
- Place on low heat saute charoli if using for 40-60 secs.
- Now add fresh grated coconut, jaggery powder. Keep stirring the mixture for 3-4 mins.
- Jaggery would melt, the mixture would leave nice aroma. Switch off the gas once all mixed well. Ensure you don’t over-cook the mixture else the jaggery might harden or get stiff which is not good for your patoleos.
- Lastly add cardamom powder. Mix nicely. Switch off the gas don’t overcook the mixture. Allow the mixture to cool down.
- Take some batter in your hand and apply them on the turmeric leaves all over. Repeat the same with the rest of leaves.
- Place a scoop of coconut-jaggery stuffing over one side of the leaf. Now close or wrap them with the other side of the leaf. ensure its seales properly.
- Place them on a steamer alternatively you could place them in a vessel containing water, place a stand and keep a metal tray or dish over the stand. Keep few of stuffed turmeric leaves. Don’t stack them altogether just place few apart from each other and steam few at a time. You could also pressure cook them or steam in idli vessel.
- Repeat the same with the rest of patolis. After 7-8 mins they would be ready the color of the leaves would change.
- Allow to cool unwrap the leave and enjoy your patoleos warm or cold.
Kim says
Hi Maria,
Because of your post I tried making these for the first time.
It was a lovely experience.
Thank you
Kim says
Just planted fresh turmeric. When it gives me leaves, I will follow your recipe. For today, I will share this link and pic with my group members so they can follow your recipe from here. Happy Feast
I just now made some patoleo by using Parchment paper instead of the leaves and put a leaf of Basil to give it a different flavour Works fine
maria says
Pleased to know Allan you liked the pataleo recipe, thanks for positive feedback. I am sure with Basil leaves the pataoleo will have a different taste and flavor.
sarita says
Hey maria
making a short trip to india. I have a regulary mixer grinder for chutney, masala etc. with 3 jars
can you suggest a mixer with one jar only for rice. not the heavy grinder used by tamilians to grind idli batter. anything lighter
I cant find haldi leaves here – will just look at your pictures and feel happy 🙂
maria says
Sarita purchase bajaj mixer it comes with 3 jars, has a great motor. This mixer will resolve all your problems. You can easily find haldi leaves in India if not just take a fresh root of turmeric and immerse in the soil. Soon you will have your own turmeric leaves growing 😉 and have a great trip.
sarita says
maria says
Welcome Sarita 🙂
Sarita Boadita says
Loved reading your article! Next year when you make them try adding some boiled lentils to the stuffing. Turmeric roots can be planted in the yard and they come up easily in August. Save the root & plant it next year. The root can also be potted and kept indoors in a sunny spot. It will yield beautiful white flowers sometime in October. Happy gardening & cooking! P.S. I live in NJ and it works for me.
maria says
Thankyou Sarita for your 5 star rating 🙂 surely would try adding lentils. Yes I have also planted in my balcony it withers away around November and comes back to life in July-August. Happy to know we share same liking gardening and cooking take care….
saritaboadita says
If you love gardening transfer your turmeric plant into a pot use miracle grow soil. and place the pot in a sunny area indoors; water occasionally. Sometime in winter the plant will not only flourish but will yield beautiful white fragrant sprays of flowers.. One year my plant grew 30 inches tall .I later transferred it outdoors in spring in a pot and in the ground. Happy gardening.
maria says
Sure thing Sarita 🙂 thankyou so much take care.
Sally says
Can you please tell me how to grow this turmeric plant as i live in dubai its really difficult to find this plant
maria says
Sally just get hold of fresh turmeric roots, place them inside the mud. Allow to grow, water regularly. After few days the plant will grow. Mostly grows from May to September. Then the plant withers away and next year shoots another plant again. So don’t throw the seed or plant. Hope this information helps you.