Here comes my Mulberries Cake Recipe with Strawberry Frosting. I have made a simple cake with topping of Fresh Mulberries. This cake looks yum and tastes more yum. The pink frosting made from yogurt and cream cheese is a delight to see and eat. This cake is easy but healthy and delicious.
There is no need of frosting for this lovely cake. But frosting gives a great body to the cake. Also the cake looks presentable. Most of the times I avoid frosting as it is too fattening. But if you are baking cakes on occasions than frosting looks great.
My family including my pet loved this cake. Had met day before just a slice of it is left!.. You could serve this amazing cake with a scoop of ice cream or thick smoothie.
I chose a heart shaped mould. As I wanted my raspberry cake to look cute and moreover its pink. So it looks great pink+heart. I should have named it Pink Heart Mulberry Cake 🙂
Without further praising more about cake. We shall move ahead with Recipe.
Total Time: 1 hour 30 mins (Baking 50 mins rest making)
Serves: 10 to 12 People
- 1 cup Flour (I have used 1/2 cup wheat flour + 1/2 cup refined flour or cake flour)
- 1 tbsp Corn Flour
- 1 t/s Salt
- 2 t/s Baking Powder
- 1/2 cup Sugar
- 1 tbsp Vanilla Extract Or Vanilla Essence
- 3 tbsp Butter
- 1 Egg
- 1/2 cup Yogurt mixed with water
- 1 cup Fresh Raspberries
- 2 tbsp Sweetened Milk
- Nuts (Optional)
For Frosting:
- 2 to 3 Strawberries
- 50 gms White Chocolate
- 3 tbsp Cream Cheese
- 1 tbsp Sweetened milk Or Icing Sugar
- 2 tbsp Yogurt
First take a baking pan with any shape. Ensure you leave around 2 inches space for the cake to rise. Grease the pan and place a parchment paper or butter paper at the bottom of the cake.
Take a mixing bowl. Combine sugar and butter until they are smooth.
Beat egg in a different bowl. Once they are nice fluffy add them to sugar-butter mixture. Again beat them well with a hand mixer. Also add sweetened milk to it.
In another bowl sift all dry ingredients.
Now add dry ingredients to the wet ingredients little by little. Alternatively add yogurt. Once they all incorporate well. Add vanilla extract or essence along with nuts.
Pour the batter into the greased dish. Bake at 200°C for about 30 mins.
Once the skewer comes almost clean your cake is ready. Let the cake cool down.
For Frosting:
Chop Strawberries thinly. Take cream cheese, condensed milk, yogurt and white chocolate. Combine all of them into a microwave bowl. Now microwave or double boil until they all blend well.
Mash the strawberries with the back of spoon. The frosting would be nice baby pink in color.
Unmould the cake and spread the frosting on it.
Once all nicely wrapped with this frosting. Place raspberries on the top. Refrigerate for about 2 hours.
Now enjoy the amazing Raspberry cake…. I am sure you would love it.
- Take Fresh Raspberries for this cake
- You could use raspberry jam for frosting too
- You could replace eggs with 1 tbsp flaxseed+ 3 tbsp water Or 100 Gms Tofu.
- Don’t overmix or overbake this cake.
- This Cake takes about 25 to 30 mins for baking. Since all oven have different temperatures keep checking your cake. If the skewer comes out almost clean once inserted in the center. Your Raspberry Cake is ready. It will give a nice golden brown color.
- I have made them with mulberries you could make with raspberries or strawberries or cranberries.
katee says
Call what you want but they are blackberries and not raspberries. When you pluck raspberries you do not have a stem attached to them but there is a cavity left on them.
maria says
Hi Katee,
Actually they are not even blackberries but mulberries. Thanks for your help actually we all get confused with berries sometimes don’t we?
raydohh says
Sounds lush! But surely, these are blackberries not raspberries, yes?
maria says
Hi Raydohh,
Thanks but these are raspberries but if you wish you can call them as blackberries 🙂
dassana says
hmmm….. tempting cake and nice photos. wish i would grab a piece… absolutely lovely…
maria says
Hey Thanks Dassana will surely get or make for you whenever we meet next dear.
Food Frenzy says
That is a beautiful looking cake. Raspberry cake with Strawberry frosting is a fun blend of berry flavors.
maria says
Thanks a ton… Do try this berries cake.